• The new Technology Ticket system is available at https://help.spfk12.org/#login or via the Technology Help icon in your Google Apps.

District Technology Department

  • Adam Strugatch
    District Technology Manager
    (908) 232-6161 ext 31901

    The staff members of the Technology Department serve all eight schools and the Administrative offices of the District.  The intrepid team of Ossama El Shawarbi, George Hamwi, Ryan Onove, and Emilia Treglia are always happy to assist our staff and students with their technology needs.

    The most efficient way to get answers/help for your requests/problems is by creating a ticket using our Technology Ticket system which can be accessed via the Technology Help icon in your Google Apps or at http://help.spfk12.org.  If you are logged into your District account, you should be immediately logged into the ticket system.  We want to help you so please make your ticket as detailed as possible!  Thank you!

    The Technology Department also has a wiki that covers many topics which might solve your problems without having to put in a ticket. Check it out at https://wiki.spfk12.org.

    If you require support for Powerschool (student information system), please put in a helpdesk ticket or if it's urgent, please contact Kathy Yeakel. If you are a parent having problems with the Powerschool Parent Portal, please email parents@ps.spfk12.org.