
    Welcome To The Inner Well

    The Inner Well has been designed to promote wellness by finding a healthy life balance because
    we care about you and your well-being.

    Every one of us has our own inner well. It holds our hopes, values, beliefs and our deepest emotions.

    We may not know the depth of our well until we discover our true inner wealth.

    heart made of water

  • Our Virtual Calming Room was created with the belief that together we can explore new ways of being kind to ourselves as well as one another and find constructive ways to manage our emotions. We hope these tools will provide helpful outlets and practices when needed.


    Enter the Virtual Calming Room

  • The site is purely for educational purposes. It is not meant to replace seeking help from a mental health professional. If you are in need of immediate attention, please speak to your counselor or click for a list of resources. As always, if this is an emergency situation, call 9-1-1 or your local police department immediately.

  • Self Care For Our Teachers
  • Below you will find your school counselor's contact information:

Name School Email Address
Ms. Lakendra McFadden Brunner lmcfadden@spfk12.org
Ms. Cailin Frantz Coles cfrantz@spfk12.org
Ms. April Chestang Evergreen achestang@spfk12.org
Ms. Jessica Ness McGinn jness@spfk12.org
Ms. Lori Lidofsky School One llidofsky@spfk12.org
Ms. Chrissy Krasovsky Park ckrasovsky@spfk12.org
Mr. Jason Cross Park jcross@spfk12.org
Ms. Lauren Markovitz Terrill lmarkovitz@spfk12.org
Ms. Amanda Wolf Terrill awolf@spfk12.org
Name Email Address
HS Counselors .
Ms. Catherine Hoffman choffman@spfk12.org
Ms. Candace Kilmer ckilmer@spfk12.org
Mr. John McManus jmcmanus@spfk12.org
Ms. Amanda Moser amoser@spfk12.org
Ms. Denise Palozzola dpalozzola@spfk12.org
Ms. Catherine Phelps cphelps@spfk12.org
Ms. Suzanne Wojcik swojcik@spfk12.org