• Welcome to Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School (SPFHS). This information represents some of the key guidelines, beliefs and expectations of our staff and administration relative to student conduct and discipline.

    It is our hope and desire that the guidelines contained within will help all of us contribute to an environment that is safe, friendly, rewarding and productive.

    In addition to this information, a detailed STUDENT HANDBOOK is distributed to all students the first week of school. Please encourage your son/daughter to read its contents, discuss it with them and retain it for future reference.

    We, the staff and administration, look forward to a productive year and are always available to assist you in any way possible.

    SPFHS Administators

    Dr. David Heisey, Principal

    Dr. Timothy Donahue, Assistant Principal-Counseling

    Mrs. Brooke Kaska-Esposito, Assistant Principal-Curriculum

    Mr. Ryan Miller, Assistant Principal & Athletic Director-Athletics



    A warm, friendly atmosphere in the classroom and in the school is essential If:

    • students are to learn to the maximum of their capacity;
    • teachers are to do their best;
    • good relations with the community are to be upheld, and
    • the total school operation is to be carried on in the best manner possible.

     Click on the below topics to expand the information.