Welcome to the Nettingham Media Center!
Hours: 7:55 AM - 2:55 PM
How to Access the Library Catalog
Use the Destiny Discover app on your iPad, click the image at the top of this page that says "Access Follett Destiny", or use the search bar at the bottom of this page to look for books in our Media Center.
How to log in to Destiny Discover:
Use your school Google account to login.
If, for some reason, your Google account does not work, you may use your Follett account to login.
Username: last 2 digits of your graduation year + first initial + last name + @students.spfk12.org
example: 31smelworm@students.spfk12.org
Password: your 6-digit student ID number
Check Out Policies
Overdue, Lost, or Damaged Books
There are no fines for overdue books, but please return or renew materials in a timely manner.
If a book is lost or damaged, it must be replaced. Please see Mrs. Melworm for more details.