- Nettingham Middle School
- Welcome to the Nettingham Counseling Department
WELCOMEThe Counseling Staff recognizes that you may be feeling additional stress at this time.We are available to help.
Counseling Staff
Grade 6 and 8 Counselor
Grade 5 and 7 Counselor
Christina Krasovsky
Jason Cross
(908) 322- 4445 x 21601
(908) 322 - 4445 x 21602
Administrative Staff
Grade 6 and 8 Secretary
Grade 5 and 7 Secretary
Cybil Brown
Michele Barcia
(908) 322-4445 x 21006
(908) 322-4445 x 21005
Upcoming Events
● ALL grades: First Day of School - Thursday, September 5th- Full Day 1
● 5th Grade and New Student Picnic-Thursday, September 12th at 5:00pm
● ALL grades: New Family Orientation - Thursday, September 12th at 6:00pm
● ALL grades: Back To School Night - Thursday, September 26th ○ 6:40pm for 5th grade and 7pm for 6th-8th grades ○ This is a single session day with dismissal at 12:20pm. No lunches.
Find more information inside: The Red Tail Review
Parent Tips for Student Success:
Your Best Resource For:
- Semester progress comments
- Class grades, which are continuously available to monitor academics
- Daily attendance records
Please call the counseling office if you need any assistance with access.(908) 322-4445 X 21005 or 21006
1. Hold yourself accountable by doing your classwork/homework. Grades Matter!
2. Create a regular study space without noisy distractions.
3. Fuel your mind with healthy snacks
4. Engagement Starts With You
- Participate
- Be Prepared
- Ask Questions
- Go For Any Extra Help Sessions or Office Hours
5. Stay organized
Nettingham Clubs
- Take a Mindful moment – Practice keeping your body still and quiet while listening to silence.
- Deep breathing – Utilize an inhale/exhale rhythm. Bring yourself back into focus and no one else.
- Relaxation – Bring your energy to a nice, calm state. Use relaxing music or guided imagery.
Inner Well